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A Powerful Pairing: Google Ads & Google Analytics

A Powerful Pairing: Google Ads & Google Analytics

On Aug 4, 2020
Google Ads

A Powerful Pairing: Google Ads & Google Analytics

If you’re using Google ads to drive traffic to your website, congratulations. You’re off to a great start.

But there’s an key element of advertising online that we want to share with you today. And it can increase the effectiveness of your online advertising campaigns greatly.

That is Google Analytics. And it can give you deep insights into your website and users that can help you make smarter, data driven marketing decisions.

Have you ever wondered:

  • Who is coming to my site?
  • How many people visit my site every day?
  • Where are my visitors coming from?
  • What pages are most popular on my site?

Google Analytics can answer these questions and much, much more.

The Benefits Of Using Google Analytics

Get deeper insights into your audience

Audience dashboard example on Google Analytics

Google Analytics can give you a clear picture of the people visiting your site. From age, gender, location, interests.

Understand how users are coming to your website

Acquisition dashboard example on Google Analytics

Google Analytics shows you where your website users are coming from clearly whether that’s from paid traffic, organic, social, and direct traffic.

Understand how people are using your website

Behaviour dashboard example on Google Analytics

Discover what your most popular pages are, how long people are spending on them, and importantly – where users are dropping off your site.

Get crystal clear on your conversions

Conversions dashboard example on Google Analytics

Create conversion goals, track goal values, measure your conversion and abandonment rate, track ecommerce performance, and more.

Create custom reports

Customer dashboard example on Google Analytics

It’s easy to take any of these metrics we’ve just mentioned that are relevant to your business and create a customised dashboard so you can see all your essential info instantly and create handy reports for your business or clients.

Google Analytics is completely free

Yes that’s right! You don’t need to pay anything to use this service and get all this extra insight into your website users. Why wouldn’t you take advantage of that?

The Benefits Of Using Google Ads

When people use Google they are often looking for answers right away. Google ads can be one of the fastest ways to get your message in front of ‘ready to buy’ prospects.

Increase your brand awareness online

Monday.com bidding on rival project management tools branded keywords

Present your product, service, or marketing message to new users as the exact moment they are searching for a solution to a problem.

Get more traffic to your brick and mortar store

Advertise your local business in Google maps with ad extensions

Utilise ad extensions with Google ads and you’ll show up in local searches on Google maps results encouraging people to visit your store. To read more about extensions visit this post.

Make more sales through online channels

Expand your stores reach by advertising on Google Shopping

If you’re a brick and mortar store you can increase your reach and customers by going online and expanding your customer base. View our guide to setting up your first Google Shopping campaign here.

Encourage visitors to return to your site

Lite n’ Easy display ad showing up on a food blog

The Google Display Network allows you to advertise to your existing website users around the internet and entice them to come back to your site. See our guide on setting up remarketing campaigns here.

Compete with other brands already advertising online

Competition for ‘food delivery’ online is fierce while Australians face lockdown

Set Up Google Ads Like A Pro

With the economy slowing down, and lockdowns still largely in place around Australia, it’s important you’re competing effectively online. Visit our guide How To Set Up Google Ads Like A Pro to get your first campaign running in no time.

The Benefits Of Combining Google Analytics And Google Ads

If you’re running Google Ads you’re off to a great start. But there are many advantages to linking Google Ads and Google Analytics, such as:

Optimise your marketing efforts

The more you can see and understand how your marketing efforts are affecting your users the more you can refine your strategy. From

Improve your website usability (and ads)

By getting a clearer picture of how people are using your website and help you fine tune your navigation, landing pages, and site load times which will all contribute to your Quality Score and overall cost of your ads.

Get deeper insights into your customers

Think you know exactly who your customers are? Great! But if not, Google Analytics can help you dive into exactly who you’re advertising to, who are your most profitable customers, and who you should target in your advertising campaigns to maximize return on investment.

More effectively allocate your budget

If you can see that certain campaigns just are driving the traffic or conversions you’re hoping for you can optimise those efforts quickly, make necessary adjustments, or cut them completely. This could help you allocate budget to other campaigns with higher ROI.


We hope this guide post has helped you understand the benefits of linking your Google Ads account with Google Analytics.

The deep insights you can get from your users – for free – can greatly improve your overall marketing efforts.

Still have questions?

Speak With A Google Ads Expert At Yes Digital Today

Here at Yes Digital, we help create and optimise highly targeted Google Ads campaigns for our clients. If you want to see how Google Ads can help you grow your business, get in touch for a free no-obligation Strategy Session today.

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