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How An SEO Agency Can Help

How An SEO Agency Can Help

On Sep 29, 2020

Top 5 Reasons To Hire An SEO Agency

There’s so much going on in the digital marketing world. PPC ads, search engine optimisation, social media, content marketing, just to name a few.

It can be hard for small businesses to focus on what’s most important right now.

Many businesses we speak know the value of SEO. And at some point have tried to figure it out themselves.

But unfortunately, this often leads to frustration and wasted time before they either give up on SEO completely or admit they need professional help.

Below are a few reasons why working with an agency from the beginning can boost your results and end up saving you money in the long run.

You’re Paying For Expert Knowledge

With the abundance of information on the internet, it’s not hard to get a rudimentary understanding of any topic online for free.

But free information online may not be enough to compete effectively in your marketplace. You shouldn’t leave the success of your business in the hands of guesswork and ‘figuring things out as you go along.’

hire SEO agency to increase your search result ranking

Search algorithms are constantly changing, which means you need to be constantly learning the new ‘best practices’ to ensure you stay ahead of the curve.

This is what agencies do for a living. When you engage a professional SEO manager you’re paying for expertise that comes from working with dozens of clients like you.

Expertise that they can often quickly implement in your business so you can start seeing results too.

This only comes with experience.

Accountability For Your Results

SEO professionals are measured on one metric alone. Do they get you results or not?

No amount of pretty reports can hide whether your organic traffic is steadily increasing or not.

SEO expert applying knowledge to increase ranking

That means SEO professionals have a vested interest in getting you those results because if they don’t, you could easily leave and take your business elsewhere.

That makes SEO management a very competitive business. Which is great for you.

If you try to do SEO yourself and you’re not seeing results, it’s easy to blow it off while you focus on other things. You might plan on circling back to it when you have more time…or you learn more about SEO…but that whole time your results will be suffering.

By paying someone to take accountability for your SEO success – especially a professional who’s done it before – you’re far more likely to see measurable results quickly.

You’ll Get An Edge Over Your Competitors

Having an SEO agency working for you will make you more competitive in the marketplace.

An expert SEO agency will be able to conduct more thorough research on your competitors, find out what they’re doing right and wrong, and will suggest more effective strategies.

Plus they know what the latest tips and tricks are in the industry which means you’ll always be at the cutting edge compared to someone who’s never engaged an agency or hasn’t in a long time.

According to a Small Business SEO study by Clutch, just over a third of small businesses have an SEO strategy in place, or plan to have one soon.

That means SEO agency could give you an edge over two-thirds of your competitors who either aren’t using SEO or don’t see it as a high priority.

A Good SEO Agency Is Cost-Effective

Every dollar you spend on SEO comes back to you in the form of more visitors, more brand awareness, and more leads and sales.

An seo expert implementing seo strategies

And contrary to PPC ads, time and money invested in SEO is long-lasting. The effects don’t just stop when you turn ads off.

That means when you invest in SEO you’re making a long-term investment.

An SEO agency will be able to tell you what the highest leverage activities you can do immediately are and implement those strategies quickly.

They also know what NOT to do. This is key.

You may have the best intentions, but bad SEO management and using tactics that are seen as ‘black hat’ by Google can cost you dearly.

Outsourcing Lets You Focus On What You Do Best

SEO can take up a lot of time, especially if you’re trying to figure out everything yourself.

Type ‘search engine optimisation’ into Google and you’ll find around 34 MILLION results online.

Google result showed search result of keyword ‘SEO management 3optimisation

That’s a massive rabbit hole to go down. Trying to make sense of it all on your own can take valuable time away from you focusing on other key areas of your business.

While SEO is important to your overall success online, it shouldn’t take time away from you making new sales or developing new products – and it doesn’t need to.

By hiring a professional you’ll have peace of mind knowing that someone else is working towards your goals and KPIs which frees up a lot of your time.


These are some of the key benefits of working with a professional SEO agency.

A good firm will have a verifiable track record that gives you confidence. They’ll be able to get you results relatively quickly. And in the long run, they’ll save you both time and money.

If you’re considering hiring an SEO agency to increase your online traffic and boost your leads and sales, then lets chat.

Speak With An SEO Expert At Yes Digital Today

Here at Yes Digital, we help create and optimise highly targeted SEO strategies for our clients. If you want to see how SEO can help you grow your business, get in touch for a free no-obligation Strategy Session today.

Speak With An SEO Expert At Yes Digital Today

Here at Yes Digital, we help create and optimise highly targeted SEO strategies for our clients. If you want to see how SEO can help you grow your business, get in touch for a free no-obligation Strategy Session today.

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